Summary Care Records
Summary Care Record (SCR) is a summary of a GP patient record that contains allergies, adverse reactions, current and past medication history. It is created by the patient’s GP and can be viewed by other healthcare professionals to treat patients in emergency care or out of hours.
Midlands and Lancashire CSU will be responsible in providing each pharmacy with all the required tools and information in order to facilitate the use of SCR.
Each pharmacy will need to have in place and complete the following:
- Attend face to face engagement meeting with the SCR project team (minimum of one, maximum of two representatives per pharmacy)
- CPPE on-line accredited training
- Completion of the Acceptable User Agreement (AUA)
- Privacy Officer (PO) in place for your pharmacy
Once the AUA has been submitted with the agreement of the SCR project team access to SCR will be forwarded onto the relevant RA/smartcard teams in order for the access to be granted.
The first essential step is that all pharmacies must attend a face to face engagement meeting, as set out by Health and Social Care Information Centre’s (HSCIC) process steps for SCR rollout in pharmacies. Not all pharmacy staff need to attend, one representative from each pharmacy who may be either a pharmacist, registered pharmacy technician or other permanent employed team member must attend.
Before attending the face to face event the individual should make themselves aware of the details via the HSCIC link below:
All pharmacists and registered pharmacy technicians (employed or locum) within the pharmacy who will access SCR should complete the CPPE e-learning and assessment via the below link:
Completion of the CPPE e-learning is not a pre-requisite in attending the SCR engagement events however it would be of benefit to have completed it before the face to face training. The training can be completed at any point but must be completed before you are given SCR access.
SCR Go-Live Process