Managing your call and email queries
When you call the Customer Support Centre to log a query, you’ll be given a case number. This allows us to track and keep you updated on the progress of your queries more quickly. Over the next few months, case numbers will also be introduced on all email queries. If you are emailing about an existing case, please can you include your case number in the subject line of the email, to allow us to automatically link your email to your original query. Please can we ask that all email queries from pharmacies are sent from an or a business email address.
As a reminder, the contact details for the Customer Support Centre are:
Generic email: ((Please put the service you are contacting us about in the email subject line to help us direct your query as efficiently as possible)
Phone: 0333 014 2884
PO Box: Primary Care Support England, PO Box 350, Darlington, DL1 9QN
Primary Care Support England (PCSE) have launched an online portal. The portal will provide you with a quick and easy way for ordering and tracking your supplies from Capita, including pre-printed forms, Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) tokens and other NHS stationery.