Access to the shared mailbox is essential as this is the how all electronic communications from NHSE will now be sent to community pharmacy.
We recommend that you assess which staff can access the box and ensure that every day is covered.
If you require extra staff members to be added, please e-mail NHSE England ENGLAND.CMPharmacy@nhs.net from your shared mailbox with the following information:
- Name of pharmacy
- ODS Code
- Pharmacy phone number
- Name of the person requiring access
- Mobile number of the person requiring access
- Personal e-mail address of the person requiring access
Keeping your account active
Please note, personal NHSmail accounts which are not used for 30 days will be marked inactive and inactive accounts which are not activated within the following 30 days will be deleted. If a personal NHSmail account is ‘deleted’; it can be restored within 30 days by raising an NHSmail ticket. But, if an account is not restored within that period, it will be permanently deleted, and it will not be able to be restored.
Further guidance
- PSNC have produced a briefing on NHSmail
- PSNC’s website also has detailed information