NHS England North (Cheshire & Merseyside) Contact Details
Key email addresses:
- cmpharmacy@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk – for all general enquiries and to send details of intention to provide advanced services, MUR/NMS quarterly data, complaint, annual reports etc
- england.cww-pharmacyincidents.nhs.net – for all Cheshire contractors wishing to inform NHSE of an incident other than a CD incident
- england.merseyside-incidents@nhs.net – for all Merseyside contractors wishing to inform NHSE of an incident other than a CD incident
- england.cmcd@nhs.net – for reporting controlled drugs incidents and authorised witnessing of CD destruction
The Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer (CDLO) for Merseyside is D/Sgt Paul Storey; you can contact him at Paul.Storey@merseyside.pnn.police.uk