CPCW LPC Meeting Summary – April 2023
CPCW met in Frodsham on Wednesday 26 April 2023. This document summarises some of the key topics discussed. This was the first meeting of the smaller new LPC committee.
Overview of the April LPC Comment
A proposal from the Staff and Resources sub-group to appoint Dane Stratton-Powell as an Independent LPC Chair for the next 12 months was unanimously supported by members. The members also elected Stuart Dudley as Vice Chair, and Ian Cubbin as Treasurer. Membership of sub-committees was allocated.
Members also reviewed and adopted several existing documents related to LPC governance principles, committee behaviours, and expectations.
Updates were shared from guests as follows:
- PSNC – new committee structure, funding, concessions, Category A
- NHSE (Cheshire and Merseyside) – IP pathfinder programme, COVID spring boosters, the future of LPNs, review of flu service highlights.
The committee considered:
- The LPC communication strategy and suggestions were made to increase outreach including the utilisation of LinkedIn.
- The production of an LPC Risk Register covering financial, compliance and regulatory, operational, and strategic risks.
- The upcoming team development activity will be extended to a committee-wide exercise in July.
- Service activity dashboards will be extended to cover all local services and trends reviewed on a regular basis.
- Status on the LPC finances.
- The implications of contract funding for contractors and opportunities for the LPC in accessing non-CPCF funding.
- Updates on regional (harmonised Minor Ailments Service), local (several Warrington services) and national services (Contraceptive Service, Hypertension claiming, GP CPCS).
- Current issues that pharmacy teams are finding challenging including stock shortages, branded generics, online NHS111 for CPCS.
The next meeting is scheduled for 7 June when the full minutes of the meeting will be ratified and uploaded to the LPC website for reference.
If you have any questions on this document, or you require more information, please contact alison@cpcw.org.uk